Welcome to my world

Hi, I’m Gábor Samu
a Creative Coder.

Let's explore your game-making ideas and develop your skills in Unity and C#. I'm here to support you with more than 16 years of experience and a personalized mentoring strategy.

profile pic of Gábor Samu
Unity & C# Tutoring


Unity Code Tutoring

Learn how to code 2D and 3D video games with Unity. Implement your game ideas.

C# Tutoring

Are you ready to learn C# from zero to hero? Let me be your guide and your mentor.

Unity Development

Hire me to develop your mini project or join your team to create awesome Unity apps together.

For University Students

Do you have a hard time with homework or a thesis? Do you need clear explanations? I'm here.

IT Advising

Do you have an app in your mind, but don't know how to start to implement it? I'm here to help.

IT Profession Shifting

Would you like to earn more money, get more respect, or do a fully remote job?

Code & Tutoring


profil photo of Gábor Samu
Freelancer 2015 - Present

Teaching Unity, C#, C++, C, Java, Python, JS, LUA, PhP, NodeJS, R, Pascal, SQL, NOSQL, ...

codecool logo
Head of School 2016 - 2016

Directing department Budapest, Teaching, Creating learning material.

avangrade logo
Developer 2015 - 2015

Implementing a Classifier AI in NodeJS, C#.

danubisoft logo
C# Developer 2014 - 2015

Developing a Material Resource Planner for Factories with Genetic AI

elte logo
Computer Science BSc 2011 - 2014

Learning mostly about C++, Math, Algorithms & Data Structures

profil photo of Gábor Samu
Freelancer 2007 - 2011

Making websites and web content with Php, JS, HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Flash

Code & Tutoring


profil photo of Gábor Samu
2015 - Present


Unity / C# Programmer & Tutor

Unity, C#, C++, C, Java, Python, JS, LUA, PhP, NodeJS, R, Pascal, SQL, NOSQL, ...

codecool logo

CodeCool Kft.

Head of School, Mentor, Coach

Directing department Budapest, Teaching, Creating learning material

avangrade logo

Avangrade Ltd.

NodeJS Backend Developer

Classifier AI in NodeJS, C#

danubisoft logo
2014 - 2015

Danubisoft Ltd.

Full Stack C++ & CI Developer

Material Resource Planner for Factories with Genetic AI

elte logo
2011 - 2014

Eötvös Loránd University

Computer Science BSc

C++, Math, Algorithms & Data Structures

profil photo of Gábor Samu
2007 - 2011


Full Stack Web Developer & Designer

Php, JS, HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Flash


Hire me

funny robot

Unity Code Tutor

$38 / 60 min

Clear Explanations

Virtual Blackboard

Personalized Homework

100% Attention

Most Modern Methods

Friendly Vibe 😉

16 Years of Coding Experience

7 Years of Teaching Experience

200+ Satisfied Students

4800+ Hours of Teaching

15 Programming Languages

100% Online

Unity Code Tutor

Personalized mentoring
$38 / 60 min

Clear Explanations

Virtual Blackboard

Personalized Homework

100% Attention

Most Modern Methods

Friendly Vibe 😉

16 Years of Coding Experience

7 Years of Teaching Experience

200+ Satisfied Students

4800+ Hours of Teaching

15 Programming Languages

100% Online

funny robot

Contact Me

robot handshake

Gábor Samu

C# & Unity Code Tutor

Develop your programming skills with an experienced Unity Code Tutor and make your Dream Games come true!